Welcome from the Principal
On behalf of our school community, I would like to welcome you to our wonderful “hidden gem", Springwood Central State School. At Springwood Central State School, we offer an intimate, friendly and supportive environment where every child is provided the opportunities and support to be successful. Our motto 'Through Effort Success' embodies the emphasis the school places upon participation and effort to ensure that all students learn at high levels.
At Springwood Central State School, our vision is to prepare our students to become knowledgeable, resilient, caring and creative members of the community. We do this through enabling them to develop confidence, curiosity, compassion and a love of learning. We gauge our success by seeing our students engaged in their learning, being respectfully collaborative and cooperative with others, and showing resilience and a growth mindset when challenges arise.
Our school offers eight curriculum learning areas including specialist programs in HPE, Music, LOTE, Technologies and The Arts. As well as this, our extra curricula programs offer students opportunities to extend their interests and provide them with skills that will benefit them beyond their primary school years. These programs include a weekly electives program, instrumental music, choirs, cheer leading and sporting opportunities.
Staff are committed to meeting the needs of all students through the use of inclusive practices, ensuring all students receive what they need to be successful. Our staff will work with you to support your child's journey through the primary years of schooling so as to prepare them for a successful future
For further information about our school please view the School Prospectus.