The Springwood Central State School Support Team (SST) has the responsibility of co-ordinating intervention and extension services within the school. Students identified by teachers as potentially requiring intervention, support or extension are referred to the School Support Team through the support/referral process. The team employs a multidimensional, systems response to providing cohesive management of supports, provision of adjustments, and resources to proactively address the personal, social and educational needs of all students.
The School Support Team comprises the Head of Special Education Services, Principal, Deputy Principal, Guidance Officer, PBL Leader and Chaplain. Class and inclusion teachers of referred students attend SST meetings, and follow up meetings where appropriate, to discuss practices to best support these students. Students can be referred to the support team to consider concerns including behaviour, academic results and social-emotional wellbeing.
Parents are contacted by teachers where a referral to the support team is deemed to be appropriate, and a signed permission form will be completed.